User talk:Sukisuki

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{These are just a couple points that I feel cannot be left out. Sorry if a little redundant (tldr whole site) and scattered-brained but I really don’t have time to edit right now. Also the way this womens section is divied up – by garments, that don’t even include every possibility just seems kind of stupid. If gonna do this have to include every type of skirt and include what bodytype it works/doesn’t with and so on…the avoid sections include some things that are def fa for s/s13. avoid dress section idk wtf? Is it worth it to do this whole thing unless you do it well? Bc so far its def not up to fa sorry if that’s mean im just saying... Id try and work on this but I don’t feel like wasting my time if it wont be used…

Im guessing Summer 13 and Fall/Winter 13/14 fashions should be on infograph??


It is vital to understand how dependent fashion is on personal taste and current trends, esp. for the ladies. We have so many different styles to choose from, esp. now in the Anything Goes generation. You are aloud to have fun with fashion. It is not rocket science, so don’t over think it, trust your instinct, and enjoy.

Do not dive headfirst into the kitty pool. Start with the basics/neutrals and work your way up, this way you won’t end up looking like Britney Spears in the middle of a mental breakdown. Especially if insecure about coordinating your outfits, you may not want to jump the gun into the latest trends and leave that up to the extremists and experts. They can lead the way in finding out what works and doesn’t.

Flawless fits will not happen over night - practice makes perfect, and nobody can avoid a bad fit once in a while. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake, because it’s the best way to learn.

Fashion can bridge the gap of who you are and who you want to be. However, if you try too hard it will look forced and contrary to what you’re attempting. In other words don’t try to be someone you’re not because it won’t fool anyone.

It is ok to overdo it, as long as you overdo it well. It can be a fashion show everyday, but not a costume party.

Layering is an art. There really are no concrete guidelines on how to master this. Avoid piling on every item you own that somewhat coordinates.

It is ok to draw inspiration from other people, just don’t be deluded and think you’ll look as good. QT can pull off just about anything. It is also recommended to draw ideas from runway shows and watch for patterns to see what will end up in RTW and department stores. Note - Prada has always been ahead of color trend game, so it is recommended to watch her color palettes.

Dress for comfort, body shape, and occasion. Learn what fabrics, colors/patterns, and cuts work best with your physical attributes.

When shopping pay attention to textile/fabric make-up; they all wash/wear/drape differently. Figure out what textile configuration/structure you prefer for given articles. For instance, t-shirt with modal/spandex/cotton look and wear very well, however, they may be dry clean only. If you are not willing to take care for garment as instructed, you may want to pass on it. Dry cleaning can be expensive and you will not always get away with hand-washing.

SPLURGE on basics/classics. SAVE on current trends. Amount to spend can be simplified with an equation relating to how much wear you will get out of a particular item. To save money in the long run, purchase basics at least from high-low labels.

SHOES!! Cannot stress importance of footwear; can and will easily make or break entire look. Flats are ok, however heels are always more fashionable.

Hair and make-up are also important considerations for completing your look. NEVER pair dramatic/smoky eye with bold lip unless you’re going for the dragqueen look. Healthy, even skin-tone goes a long way; always use foundation, concealer, bronzer.

Regardless of what the fuccbois say, you can be fa/shionable even if don’t have the physique of a runway model. Simply dress to the best of your ability according to your body type and work it with confidence.

For those with hoarding tendencies concerning clothes, remember that quantity does not always equate to quality. It is essential to update your closet once in a while. Not only to make more room for new clothes, but also to purge the clutter of questionable purchasing decisions. If you have not worn a garment in 1 year, donate to salvation army/goodwill/etc. Someone else will make better use of it and you will be more organized while avoiding the risk of wearing outdated pieces. Besides, the most fashionable thing you can do is help the needy through charitable contributions to society.

WWD (Women’s Wear Daily) is the key publication to read for those with a genuine interest in current fashion

General fashion DON’T Crocks, UGGs, and rubber flip-flops (unless gardening, snow, and beach) Spandex if overweight Tennis shoes with dresses/skirts Socks with open-toed shoes

  • There may be exceptions to these rules, however few and far in between*